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Policies & Procedures


I would like to start out by saying I do not by any means expect perfection from parents, students, or anyone for that matter. What I expect is that students will put forth their best effort so that we can have a fun time learning. Best effort does not mean perfection. It means trying your best to do what you've been asked to do.


Below, I have listed a few of the policies and procedures in our class and/or school for quick reference. I have also attached our Parent Packet for any detailed information you may need. As always, please email, call, or write me a note if you have any questions or concerns.




Planners should be filled out every day by the student with word-for-word what is on my planner board in my room. Then, it should be INITIALED if it was completed in class or CIRCLED if there is something to be done outside of class. It may be as simple as studying or reviewing facts. It may have both my initials and something circled if part of an assignment was completed but part of it should be done outside of class. A parent/guardian should sign the planner nightly. It should not be singed for a week at a time., but should be signed each night so that you see any notes we send home each day This is our main means of communication with you at home. It should be brought back daily so that I can check it every morning. We gladly provide the first planner. If it is misplaced, there is a replacement charge of $5.00 per planner.



Absences & Tardies

I understand absences and tardies happen. However, to be excused they must have a note from either a doctor or parent. Notes should be given to the homeroom teacher immediately upon the student's return to school. When the student returns, it is his/her responsibility to ask for work that was missed. Once asked, it is the teacher's responsibility to get that work to the student in a timely manner. Tardies also require a note to be written in order to be excused. These notes do count as part of the allotment for each semester. School begins at 8:00 A.M. and ends at 3:00 P.M. All instructional time is valuable, so try your best not to miss out on anything!



Turning in Papers

Turn in folders are labeled by group. and grade level Before turning in your paper, make sure your name is on it by highlighting it (just your name, not your whole heading). Make sure to turn it in to the correct folder for your group and grade. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure it is turned in on time to the correct place! No name papers will go in the no name folder for your grade level. They will not be graded until they have been labeled correctly.




Announcements are very important. We will be silent during announcements so that we don't miss anything! After announcements, we will go back to what we were doing before the announcement came on. 




We are blessed to have an interactive projector to use this year. We are also blessed to have a class iPad. Technology is a big part of our world now, so we will use it as much as possible. This includes Edmodo, Gradebook Wizard, and several other websites along with some computer programs purchased by our school or system. Please make sure you have signed the technology release form so that you can take part in these awesome activities!



Bathroom Breaks

Bathroom breaks will be given throughout the day. That being said, our class period is ONLY 45 minutes!!!!! This time is EXTREMELY valuable instructional and class time that should be used wisely. You will be permitted to go if it is an emergency, but please try your best to go when you are given the chance so that you don't miss important information during class.



Graded Work

Graded work will be sent home in Take Home Folders. Please ensure those are brought back to school (cleaned out of course) the next school day. If you have any questions about a grade or assignment, please feel free to email, call, or send a note. I will gladly explain anything I can.

Students will choose one piece of work to display in our room. This should be something they are proud of and want to show off (not necessarily a 100%, but something they've worked hard on or are proud of themselves for doing). We want to showcase our students' best work. These will be changed out each week.



Pink Slips

Pink Slips will be filled out for an assignment not turned in. The reason the assignment is not turned in will be recorded in the grade book. Pink slips are kept all year and may be reviewed at conference time with a parent/guardian. Students fill them out themselves with the assignment, subject, due date, reason for not turning it in, and a signature. 

Special Note: Even if you choose not to fill out a Pink Slip, if you don't turn in an assignment it's still a zero in the grade book. 



Card System

We are using a school-wide card system this year. 5th grade has used it in the past, and it has worked very well. Students start out the year with a Blank Slate card. Based on their performance over the first six weeks, they will earn a gold, silver, bronze, or red card. The higher the card, the better the rewards are! For example, a gold card has 3 homework passes and 3 you choose rewards while a silver card only has 2 of each, a bronze card 1, and so on. Red cards do not have any rewards because those are students who need improvement in some area. They are earned by grades and behavior. ALL cards (including red) have 2 redo passes because we realize things happen and work is forgotten at home. Everyone has bad days. Redo passes may be used (at teacher discretion) to redo a low grade on an assignment or allow another day to turn in an assignment if it was forgotten at home, on the bus, etc. Cards must be kept at all times! If you lose your card, it is an automatic red card for the next six weeks (part of responsibility is keeping up with everything!).



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